Our Work
We value open, honest, respectful and inclusive conversation with others
We value the life, health, equality and dignity of all people
Warehouse Cooking with Love
Volunteer teams cook nutritious home-style meals at our warehouse, 2/159 Fernleigh Road, 3 days per week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.) Some of these meals are frozen and distributed to people experiencing food insecurity by service providers. These include St Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army, Mission Australia, Red Cross, Baptist Care, Sunflower House, Wellways. Other meals are cooked for the Dining with Dignity Programme.

Dining with Dignity
Meals are directly provided to the community at different locations around Wagga on 2-3 nights per week (5 per fortnight). The meal days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The meals are delivered in our Carevan supplied by Thomas Bros Wagga. The meals are a sit down home-style two course meal at tables with plates and cutlery. Meals are served at 6.00pm and at no cost. Volunteers pick up the meals from the warehouse, serve and wash up and socialise with the guests. No questions asked.
Kids’ Cooking and Caring Programme
- Sometimes students at Wagga high schools cook part of the night meals as part of their scheduled food technology lessons under the supervision of their class teacher.
- School Lunchbox Programme – high school students also make lunches for other Wagga primary schools.
All the ingredients are supplied by Carevan. Any deliveries associated with this programme are made in our (Care)van.
Some schools organise fundraising and donation events which are very much appreciated.
Living Well
As Carevan is in contact with most of Wagga service providers it is a central point for those who wish to donate goods that are needed on a day to day basis. Knitting and crocheting from many groups such as the U3A Stitches for Charity make beanies, gloves and rugs in the winter. Also Country Women’s Association make and pack toiletries/personal care items into bags. At times the staff at Carevan go into the community and deliver directly to those living in insecure accommodation.